Tatiana Ustinova

DICE enables Quality-Driven DevOps for Big Data – a White Paper

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Apr 252016

The DICE project has recently concluded its first year of activity, during which a lot of progress has been made in the definition of an innovative framework to develop Big Data applications. A technical architecture has been defined and initial prototypes are rapidly maturing.
The DICE consortium has recently released a white paper to explain to industrial stakeholders the purpose of DICE, its architecture and tool offering, and the market-oriented demonstrators that are currently being implemented.

Download the DICE White Paper

The first complete release of the DICE tools is set for August 2016, with an integrated development environment set for release in February 2017. Stay tuned!

Giuliano Casale, DICE Project Coordinator

Apr 082016

Let us imagine that you are a Software Developer working in a highly innovative data-driven start-up delivering a cutting-edge solution called “Data Digger Solution” to gather raw data from various and heterogeneous sources (e.g. social media, websites, CRM, online sales, servers, emails, etc.), process them and gain tangible insights from them, with fresh semantics allowing concrete and profitable interpretations (e.g. in terms of sales and web presence). Your start-up is growing and signing more and more contracts with major actors in various sectors (banks, insurances, retailers, medias, etc.) and, actually, this is great! Your boss is a visionary man or maybe he just reads the new IDC forecast which sees the Big Data technology and services market growing at a 26.4% compound annual growth rate to $41.5 billion through 2018 driven by wide adoption across industries. To not be victim of your own success, your boss asked you to rapidly design and implement a prototype of “Data Digger Solution” aka DDS using Big Data and Cloud technologies and make sure it will be in accordance with the unstoppable start-up business acceleration especially in terms of performance, reliability and scalability: “Do it fast, cheap, at scale and don’t lose data!”

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Support for FCO in Cloudify

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Mar 022016

Cloudify is an important component of the DICE deployment tool. It enables that the users can describe their applications in a human-readable text format YAML, using a TOSCA dialect to describe the applications’ topology. The blueprint containing the topology normally includes specification of nodes (virtual machines), services needed by the application (e.g., Kafka, Spark, Zookeeper etc.), which service runs on which node, and what are the relationships between services. Cloudify then takes care of provisinoning resources and installing the components in a public and private Cloud provider of choice. The original list includes the Amazon’s EC2, OpenStack, vSphere and others. In DICE, we extended support to the Flexiant Cloud Orchestrator (FCO) as well. Continue reading »

DICE deployment tools

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Mar 022016

Let us suppose that you or your customer have a lot of data: collected in a database somewhere, or filling up from the daily activities. Or perhaps a set of IoT sensors costantly stream their measurements. You know about Map/Reduce or other modern ways of processing data. So now you need to design and create an application, which uses Big Data technologies, to mine the data and get real-time insights into the deeper aspects of your data. DICE will help you to quickly get from a concept to a fully deployed code in the test bed – when you start and whenever you change something. Continue reading »